Erectile Dysfunction

5 out of 10 guys
are now experiencing or will experience
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) symptoms

Only 1 of those 5 guys
with Erectile Dysfunction will seek
medical treatment for this common problem.

ED sucks! You’re in the moment, you’re excited, you’re ready to go… but your erection isn’t…

What are the causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

There are a lot of things your body has to coordinate to get a good erection (what we all want!) Your heart, your nervous system and blood vessels, what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling have to be firing on all cylinders. Even if you’re lucky enough to have these systems working, you STILL may not get a good erection if you have low testosterone. No wonder it’s frustrating!

Guys, you wouldn’t let your car run low on oil… it’s time to get your Testosterone level checked.

ED sucks! You’re in the moment, you’re excited, you’re ready to go… but your erection isn’t…

What are the causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

There are a lot of things your body has to coordinate to get a good erection (what we all want!) Your heart, your nervous system and blood vessels, what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling have to be firing on all cylinders. Even if you’re lucky enough to have these systems working, you STILL may not get a good erection if you have low testosterone. No wonder it’s frustrating!

Guys, you wouldn’t let your car run low on oil… it’s time to get your Testosterone level checked.

Many ED doctors and clinics only prescribe erectile dysfunction pills such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. These ED medications can temporarily improve erectile dysfunction symptoms, but do not fix or treat the underlying cause,
which is often low testosterone.

At The Man’s M.D., Dr. Mabey will address the underlying problem: We optimize your Testosterone levels (if low) along with prescribing ED medications. This combination arms you with the best possible Erectile Dysfunction treatment.

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