Testosterone Deficiency or Andropause is a serious medical condition affecting many men age 30 and up.  Starting at age 30, men’s testosterone production declines every year.

Q. How do I know if I have low Testosterone? What are the symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency, aka Andropause or “Low T?”

Some of the symptoms are:
Erectile Dysfunction, difficulty maintaining erections, decreased morning erections
Decreased interest or loss of interest in sex
Low Energy, feeling tired often
Decreased Motivation
Weight Gain, difficulty losing weight
Loss of muscle mass, decreased strength and endurance in the gym and poor recovery after workouts
Loss of focus and decreased concentration
Poor sleep quality
Sports performance decline

Q. Do I need to have all the above symptoms to have Testosterone deficiency?

No. Many men have just one or two symptoms while some men suffer from multiple symptoms.

Q. Why Should I Start Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Some of the benefits of Testosterone therapy include:
Improved sex life and quality of erections
Increased strength in the gym and improved recovery after workouts
Medically proven and sustainable weight loss
Increased energy for work and play!
Improved mood, focus and motivation
Improved sleep quality
Improved confidence

Q. How much does Testosterone Replacement cost?

Our average cost of therapy is $159 per month with free shipping. This includes all medications needed and all physician consults which occur at 1 month after therapy begins, and every 6 months thereafter. However, each patient is unique and has a tailored health plan from Dr. Mabey. Due to this, the cost can vary from patient to patient.

Q. Does The Man’s M.D. accept health insurance or HSA (Health Savings Account) cards?

The Man’s M.D. DOES NOT accept health insurance, but does accept most HSA cards. This is a benefit to you! By not having health insurance involved, our M.D. gives you the VERY BEST medical care, with only YOUR best interests in mind. In addition, you’ll have better access to Dr. Mabey.

Q. I’d love to be a patient! Which states does The Man’s M.D. operate in?

You must be a resident living in California, North Carolina, Texas or Virginia.

Q. Is Testosterone “natural”?

Yes! The great thing about Testosterone therapy is that it is a natural therapy, Testosterone is not a foreign drug or medication that you’re putting in your body. Your body already has Testosterone naturally occurring in it, in a sense you are filling up the gas tank since you’re running low. As you optimize your Testosterone you will have improvement over time of your symptoms.

Q. Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe?

Yes. Testosterone replacement therapy has been used for decades and studied just as long. No controlled clinical study to date has shown adverse health risks associated with appropriate Testosterone therapy monitored by a licensed physician. And like we mentioned above, it’s naturally occurring in your body!

Pre-existing conditions such as coronary artery disease, history of prostate cancer or blood clotting disorders should be discussed with the physician at time of consultation.

Much of the stigma of Testosterone being harmful comes from abuse of Testosterone by weight lifters who are using WAY more Testosterone than is safe and who are also NOT being monitored by physicians.

The truth is that men with higher levels of Testosterone are healthier overall and have a lower prevalence of obesity and cardiac risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

Testosterone therapy DOES NOT cause prostate cancer. This is a misconception that is not supported by clinical trials. Testosterone can cause some growth of prostate tissue, but this is not cancerous growth.  A special blood marker called PSA (prostate specific antigen) will be monitored by Dr. Mabey while on therapy.

Testosterone replacement therapy is safe under the supervision of our U.S. licensed physician Dr. Mabey who is experienced and specialized in treating Low Testosterone.

Q. What is the treatment for Testosterone Deficiency aka Low T?

Testosterone replacement injections are the gold standard treatment for testosterone deficiency. These injections replace the testosterone your body is no longer producing (production declines as you age) and will get your blood testosterone levels back to a healthy, normal range consistently. This leads to improvement and resolution of low testosterone symptoms!

Q. What are Testosterone injections? How do I give them to myself at home?

At The Man’s M.D., Dr. Mabey will prescribe intramuscular or subcutaneous (the fat right below your skin) testosterone injections. You will love the convenience of not having to travel to a clinic weekly or biweekly for your testosterone injections!

Q. Is there a different treatment option instead of injections?

If you are scared of injections, Testosterone creams can be prescribed which can Optimize your Testosterone levels.

Q. How is Testosterone deficiency diagnosed?

The gold standard for diagnosis is a certain blood test which measures your testosterone level.  Upon receiving results of your lab work, Dr. Mabey, who specializes in hormone replacement therapy, will consult with you over the phone.  He’ll collect your complete medical history, assess your symptoms and from there determine the best course of treatment for you.

Q. How is my lab work done?

It’s easy! Upon payment of your lab fee, Dr. Mabey will place lab order in your name at our lab closest to you. You can schedule a time directly or walk in at your soonest convenience. Your lab work will be completed and forwarded to Dr. Mabey for review.

Q. How will I receive my Testosterone?

Each month, the prescribed amount of Testosterone (cream or injectable), syringes and alcohol wipes will be discreetly shipped to your home along with any necessary erectile dysfunction medications. No more sitting in a waiting room, no driving to a clinic to get injections every week and no picking up a very private medication like testosterone in front of a cute pharmacist! Only you and your M.D. know, and that’s the way it should be!

Q. How long will it take before I see improvements?

Many patients begin to feel better within the first few weeks. After three months of continuous therapy you’ll be seeing many of the great benefits!

Q. What are some side effects of Testosterone optimization?

Increase in red blood cell production: This can be beneficial if you have anemia (low blood counts). However, it can be a potential health problem, if you’re not being monitored by a physician. Dr. Mabey recommends that patients on TRT donate blood once or twice a year to lower the risks of this side effect. He’ll monitor your red cell count as determined by his expertise.

Infertility: This can occur, particularly in young men, but is normally reversible after stopping Testosterone therapy.

Testicular Shrinkage:  While on Testosterone Therapy, your body senses that you have an abundance of Testosterone and will slow down your own production in the testicles. If this occurs and is bothersome to you, a medication can be prescribed which helps retain your testicle size.

Prostate enlargement: Some men experience slight prostate enlargement, we monitor your PSA (prostate specific antigen) while on therapy as determined by Dr. Mabey.

Mild fluid retention, acne, oily skin, increased body hair

Nipple sensitivity or enlargement of breasts: This may occur with larger doses of Testosterone therapy and is caused by some of the Testosterone being converted in the body to estradiol. Estradiol is what can cause nipple sensitivity and enlargement of breast tissue. An additional medication can be prescribed if this occurs.

How It Works



It’s easy. Dr. Mabey places lab orders. You show up, get tested in about 10 mins.


Convenient, comprehensive phone appointment with Dr. Mabey


Prescription delivered discreetly to your home. Start getting lasting results.

Schedule $95 labs now

Medical Weight Loss FAQ

Q. Have you experienced sudden, unexplained weight gain?

Many men, after turning 30 experience unexplained weight gain. This can be caused by low Testosterone levels and is a frequent cause of this weight gain. If you’ve experienced sudden weight gain, it’s important to get your Testosterone level checked, as this could be a major factor. A factor which is very treatable!

Q. How will Testosterone Optimization help me lose weight?

Testosterone therapy has been proven to decrease body fat, decrease waist size, increase muscle and lean body mass. It also improved energy and motivation to be active, all these things leading to sustainable weight loss!

Q. How can I have sustained weight-loss with Testosterone Optimization?

Studies have shown that Testosterone Optimization Therapy leads to SUSTAINED weight-loss over time. Testosterone does this by boosting your metabolism, increasing your energy and increasing muscle and lean body mass.

Erectile Dysfunction FAQ

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain an erection good enough for sex.

Q. What causes erectile dysfunction?

Many factors play a role in helping you obtain a strong erection.  What you’re thinking, how you’re feeling, your heart, blood vessels and nervous system health and what medications you’re currently taking can all effect the quality of your erections.  Your testosterone level is an often-overlooked factor that greatly contributes to your ability to be able to get a strong erection. If your testosterone is low, this can be a major factor that needs to be addressed and fixed to improve your erectile dysfunction.

Q. How to cure erectile dysfunction? Are there erectile dysfunction cures?

In medicine, cure is always a strong word.  There are, however, several treatment options when it comes to ED, which work in different ways and can differ from patient to patient.

Medications such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra (Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors) work by increasing blood flow to your penis leading to stronger erections. These are the most commonly prescribed ED medications and generally provide a temporary fix.

If your Testosterone level is low however, this class of medication doesn’t work as well.  Optimizing your Testosterone level with TRT, as well as using this class of medication, offers one of the best treatments!

Q. Erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra and Cialis used to work for me, but have now lost their effect, what happened?

As your Testosterone levels continue to decline with age, these medications can lose their ability to work. The best possible combination therapy for ED is to optimize your Testosterone level (if low) in addition to using medications like Viagra and Cialis.

Q. Erectile dysfunction treatments over the counter.

Many over-the-counters ED supplements contain l-arginine, a precursor which helps blood vessels to produce nitric oxide, a compound which helps blood vessels relax, increasing blood flow. These can help slightly with increasing blood flow, but the effect is usually minimal. The biggest concern with over-the counter supplements, however, is they can be dangerous.  Supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA, and they can contain compounds and chemicals which are harmful to your body and health.

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